$99 | Digital Access

As people of faith, hope, and love, how should Christians think about and engage our polarized and contentious political moment?

Congregations and individual Christians have by no means been immune to the forces of division and dread that accompany election season in our fractured society. These tensions present an urgent and crucial challenge for pastors seeking to faithfully lead their congregations. It’s difficult to imagine a more pressing issue for discipleship and Christian witness in our day––which is why the Center for Pastor Theologians selected politics as our theme for our 2024 conference.

Kingdom Politics, our ninth annual theology conference, was an event to help pastors, Christian leaders, students, and interested laypeople think theologically about politics in 2024 and beyond. This conference was not an exercise in uncritically commending or condemning various representatives of the kingdoms of this world. Rather, we considered how Christians can faithfully witness to the Gospel within the political structures that exist, while also pointing toward the ultimate reality of Christ’s kingdom that transcends those structures.

This conference was hosted at Calvary Memorial Church, just outside Chicago, on September 23–25. This was to create more space between the conference and Election Day, so that pastors and leaders can process and apply insights from the event for their congregations in the final weeks of the campaign season.

You can purchase Digital Access to recordings of all plenary and breakout sessions now.

* In-person attendees have digital access included as part of their registration. Attendees will have received an email with details on how to access these recordings. If you need help with access, email administrator@pastortheologians.com


  • Christina Edmondson

    Author & Speaker

  • Malcolm Foley

    Pastor of Discipleship, Mosaic Waco

  • Collin Hansen

    Vice President for Content & Editor in Chief, The Gospel Coalition

  • Gerald Hiestand

    Senior Pastor, Calvary Memorial Church
    Co-Founder, Center for Pastor Theologians

  • Carmen Joy Imes

    Associate Professor of Old Testament, Biola University
    Author, Being God’s Image

  • Russell Moore

    Editor in Chief, Christianity Today
    Author, Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America

  • Kaitlyn Schiess

    Author, The Ballot and the Bible
    Co-Host, The Holy Post Podcast

  • Preston Sprinkle

    Host, Theology in the Raw
    Author, Exiles: The Church in the Shadow of Empire

  • Miroslav Volf

    Professor of Theology, Yale Divinity School
    Author, A Public Faith


2025 Pastor Theologians Conference

Calvary Memorial Church | Oak Park, IL

October 20–22, 2025

Check back soon for speaker lineup and addition information